Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Medela’s symposium calls for improved infant health outcomes by protecting and promoting breastfeeding

Over 1,400 people tuned in virtually from around the world to hear global health leaders and lactation experts share their latest research and insights into breastfeeding and human milk. Medela’s 15th Global Breastfeeding and Lactation Symposium featured diverse research sessions focused on protecting human milk and breastfeeding in a COVID-19 world. Experts emphasised the importance of a multidisciplined and coordinated response to the global threat based on knowledge and scientific data.

Annette Brüls, CEO of Medela worldwide says: “There is power in bringing the top minds together to focus on improving infant and women’s health. We deliberately focused this year's symposium on the pandemic and the neonatal intensive care unit to demonstrate the importance of building a strong community and establishing a research-based approach. Only together can we ensure the promotion and protection of breastfeeding and human milk to combat disparities as a shared responsibility.”

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