The use of massage to reduce pain and stress associated with retinopathy of prematurity screening
Massage was implemented into a level three neonatal unit in Scotland. The Neonatal Pain, Agitation and Sedation Scale (NPASS) was used to measure the preterm infants’ pain prior to, during and post-retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening. Staff and parents provided feedback/testimonials on their experiences with the massage therapy.
Michelle Brooks
Advanced Specialist Nurse – Neonatal Practice Education
Gill Currie
Advanced Practitioner Neonatal Occupational Therapist
Neonatal Unit, University Hospital Wishaw, Scotland
Brooks M., Currie G.The use of massage to reduce pain and stress associated with retinopathy of prematurity screening. Infant 2023;19(5):174-78.
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retinopathy of prematurity (ROP); preterm infant; NPASS; positive touch; massage therapy; family-integrated care; procedural pain/stress
Key points
- Massage can reduce procedural pain for preterm infants.
- Massage given to infants and demonstrated to parents in the neonatal unit can provide comfort and reduce pain and stress associated with ROP screening.
- No babies experienced any untoward side effects.
Also published in Infant:
Supporting parents to read to their infants on a level 2 neonatal unit: launch of a neonatal library
Growing evidence shows that preterm infants can be at increased risk of communication and literacy difficulties as they acquire skills during their early years. The impact of these difficulties can reduce inclusion in education and social situations for children born preterm. This article summarises the steps taken on a level 2 unit to introduce parents to reading books to their infants through use of a unit library on the neonatal unit.