Dysphonia following preterm birth
Dysphonia – vocal abnormality – in children that were born preterm is relatively common but it is not screened for and behavioural or surgical interventions may be difficult for parents to access. Childhood dysphonia often persists into adulthood and can result in significant adverse social, academic and emotional outcomes that may add to other pre-existing problems of prematurity (eg hearing, developmental and cognitive challenges). Infants born extremely preterm/low birth weight or those that have had patent ductus arteriosus ligation might benefit from early referral for expert assessment. This article includes a personal story to better appreciate the ‘lived experience’.
Lauren Dhugga1
Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics
Sophie Proud2
Neonatal Junior Sister
Salema King1
Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics
Claire McLarnon3
Consultant Otolaryngologist
Nicholas Embleton1,4
Consultant Neonatologist and Professor of Neonatal Medicine
2Neonatal Unit, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast
3Great North Children’s Hospital, RVI and ENT Dept, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Hospitals NHSFT
4Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne Dhugga L., Proud S., King S., McLarnon C., Embleton N. Dysphonia following preterm birth. Infant 2023;19(5):164-68.
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- Dysphonia is common in children who were born preterm. It may result from damage to the larynx, laryngeal nerves or other structures.
- It is often under-recognised or not referred for expert assessment.
- Dysphonia can have significant adverse impacts over the life-course.
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