Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Report discusses avoidable admission of full-term babies

A resource to help maternity services reduce term admissions of newborn babies to neonatal units has been launched by NHS Improvement in partnership with the Royal College of Midwives.

The resource is in the form of a report titled Reducing harm leading to avoidable admission of full-term babies into neonatal units: data findings and points for improvement.

One of the major findings was that many neonates are needlessly separated from their mothers to receive treatment for common health complaints such as jaundice, hypoglycaemia and respiratory problems when most treatments could be better provided in the community or without separating mother or baby. It offers advice and guidance to trusts on how to reduce separation of mothers and babies when treating these common health problems.

The report can be accessed at preventing-avoidable-admissions- full-term-babies.

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Royal College of Midwives