Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Sands and Tommy's set out joint priorities for the next government

In the UK, at least one in five stillbirths and neonatal deaths may have been prevented with better care, according to current estimates. This equates to over 800 babies a year whose lives could have been saved if their care had been delivered in line with nationally-agreed standards.

The Priorities for the Next Government document by the Sands & Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit sets out what the next government must do to deliver safer maternity and neonatal services, so that fewer babies die and inequalities in loss are eliminated.

The document calls for:

  1. Renewing the national maternity safety ambitions.
  2. Eliminating inequalities in pregnancy and baby loss, particularly those linked with ethnicity and deprivation.

  3. Delivering a fully funded workforce.

  4. Putting in place a system that supports safe care.

  5. Providing the best possible support throughout pregnancy and following loss.

To find out more visit:

The Priorities for the Next Government document calls for safer maternity and neonatal services.

See our Supplier Guide:
Tommy's, the baby charity
/ Sands (Stillbirth & neonatal death charity)