Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Government launches baby loss certificates to recognise parents’ grief

Baby loss certificates for parents who have experienced a loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks are now available from GOV.UK. This comes as welcome news for the many parents that would like to officially recognise the memory of their baby.

Applications are voluntary and free to either parent as long as they were living in England at the time of the loss and are at least 16 years of age. Previously, certificates were only available post-24 weeks but in 2018, in response to an independent pregnancy loss review, an evaluation of the registration and certification process was commissioned.

Charities including Tommy’s, Sands, the Miscarriage Association and the Mariposa Trust have been instrumental in campaigning to raise awareness of this issue. At present, certificates are available for losses since 1 September 2018; however, the charities hope the scheme will be extended for previous losses. Scotland already has a memorial book and certificates; it is hoped that Wales and Northern Ireland will support similar schemes.

For more information:

Until now, it has not been possible in England to officially record a pregnancy ending before 24 weeks.

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Sands (Stillbirth & neonatal death charity)
/ Tommy's, the baby charity