Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

BAPM invites comments on its latest Toolkit

Implementing a Neonatal Electronic Health Record has been developed by the British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) in recognition of the increasing implementation of trust-wide electronic patient record (EPR) or electronic health record (EHR) systems, and the growing expectation for the involvement of neonatal health professionals in the selection and implementation of electronic records locally and regionally.

The document aims to:

  • ensure that neonatology remains an integral part of any hospital wide EPR
  • equip neonatal teams with the knowledge to enable active engagement with their organisation’s digital journey leading to digital solutions appropriate and adequate for the needs of staff, babies and their families

  • provide a list of essential, highly desirable and desirable capabilities defining the neonatal need for record keeping, local and national audit, quality improvement and benchmarking, and research

  • give healthcare professionals caring for neonates the understanding and language to discuss their EPR needs with technical and procurement teams from scoping, selection through to implementation

  • share knowledge and experience from teams that have experienced an EPR configuration and implementation, with teams at different stages of the process.

BAPM is inviting comments on this draft version before publication of a final document later in the year. You can read the document and submit your comments here:

The deadline for comments is 15 November.

The document recognises the increasing implementation of trust-wide electronic record systems.

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British Association of Perinatal Medicine