Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Medela hosts the Big Breastfeeding Conversation

Introducing the Big Breastfeeding Café Conversation – Medela’s annual event takes place on 12 July, returning for its ninth year with a fresh new approach for expectant and new mums to share the realities of their individual experiences. Reflecting on the things they wish they had been told, as well as just getting mum’s talking, the upcoming social media initiative is all about creating open and honest conversations about breastfeeding – sharing the good, the bad and the unexpected.

The day will see a number of live events taking place on Medela’s Instagram platform: mums and mums-to-be in conversation about breastfeeding, as well as experts answering questions. The whole campaign will be about encouraging mums to get talking about topics that aren’t spoken about enough, while involving expectant mums in the conversation too.

Ahead of the event, Medela, ran a survey on over 500 women, which discovered that:

  • 80% of pregnant women have goals to breastfeed
  • 85% of mothers wished more people had discussed breastfeeding with them during pregnancy
  • 90% of mothers shared that having more information during pregnancy, would have better prepared them for breastfeeding
  • 90% of mothers felt there was not enough education around complications that can cause setbacks (such as tongue tie/mastitis)
  • 90% of women confirmed that even with the challenges they overcame, their breastfeeding journey was rewarding.

The results show a worryingly high percentage of mums felt they needed more information on breastfeeding during pregnancy, to better prepare them for their journey ahead. With this in mind, the Big Breastfeeding Conversation is encouraging mums and mums-to-be to talk about the real stuff from day one.

Check out Medela’s Instagram platform at:

Medela’s annual campaign returns with a new look.

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