Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

The Golden Window wins national film award

A film about 'the golden window', a phrase used to refer to the crucial 72-hour period after birth when cooling the baby by three degrees Celsius can minimise long-term brain injury, has won a national film award.

Filmed in 2012, The Golden Window follows the progress of Baby J over 72 hours using innovative film and soundtrack to capture the experience from the baby's perspective. Including interviews with parents and staff, the 22-minute film captures the emotional journey of having a sick newborn infant on the NICU.

Dr Shreepali Patel received the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research in Film award for the film, which combines complex science with a strong emotional theme. Produced in collaboration with Professor Topun Austin, consultant neonatologist at the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge, the film focuses on a newborn baby who had been starved of oxygen following complications at birth.

View the video here.