Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Understanding management practice for monitoring and discharging BPD patients

With a lack of national guidelines outlining specific management and discharge criteria, a retrospective analysis was undertaken for a bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) clinic in a tertiary centre to determine the efficacy of its protocol. This concluded consistently positive outcomes, inferring that the criteria used are appropriate for management and discharge. A survey was subsequently undertaken to determine the degree of congruence nationally. It was found that there were many similarities in practice, particularly with respect to discharge criteria, suggesting an appropriate basis from which a protocol could be established.

Sinead Carton
Foundation Doctor, University of Nottingham, Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC)

Theodore Dassios
Professor of Neonatology, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London

Ian Sinha
Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician and Professor of Child Health, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

Stephen Wardle
Consultant Neonatologist, Nottingham Children’s Hospital, QMC

Jayesh Mahendra Bhatt
Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician, Nottingham Children’s Hospital, QMC

Carton S., Dassios T., Sinha I., Wardle S., Bhatt J.M. Understanding management practice for monitoring and discharging BPD patients. Infant 2024; 20(2): 64-67.

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bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD); chronic lung disease; protocol; guideline
Key points
  1. Retrospective analysis of discharge criteria used in a clinic found consistent clinical stability and positive clinical outcomes on discharge.
  2. A survey provided details of national BPD management practices and discharge criteria and found a large degree of congruence.
  3. The findings suggest a basis for development of guidelines to help manage these babies.

Also published in Infant:

Home oxygen for infants leaving neonatal units: a nationwide survey
Home oxygen is widely prescribed for ex-preterm infants being discharged home with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Anecdotally, practice was felt to vary widely between neonatal units (NNUs) across the UK, despite British Thoracic Society guidance on home oxygen prescription. This survey is the most comprehensive to date, looking at variations in both pre- and post-discharge practices across the UK. It found that practice does indeed vary widely between NNUs and suggests that updating guidelines may be useful to help unify practice.